In college as part of the diagnostic block during the graphics block we were set the challence of creating a piece/pieces which go with the sayings......
- You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- Nid aur yw pobeth melyn (which translates to English to be "All that glitters isn't gold")
- Nid da lle gellir gwell ( which translates to English as "It's not your best if you can do better")
These are the pieces that I created, there was no particular medium or format to which had to be followed to successfuly answer the brief, it was up to the individual to decide which direction to take the work. I for obvious reasons decided to answer the brief through photography, keeping the text simple, bold and readable. The photographs are all my own photos, photos that I found to fit the appropriate saying and that conveyd the written words through images.
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